White-tailed Kite
Elanus leucurus
Synopsis: Local breeder in agricultural areas of southwest Oregon, southern Willamette Valley, and along the coast. Records from locations outside the southern Willamette Valley and Jackson County are notable. Much more widespread than depicted in Csuti et al. (1997). First bred in Oregon in the mid-1970's, and has since expanded its range northward from California.

Habitat Associations:
Edges of Cropland/Pasture/Orchard (886954 acres)
Douglas Fir/White Oak Forest (72828 acres)
Edges of Recently Cutover/Burnt Forest (245927 acres)
Ponderosa Pine/White Oak Forest & Woodland (23793 acres)
Coastal Dunes & Ponds with Widely Scattered Shrubs/Trees (31213 acres)
Western Oregon Riverine Woodland (5942 acres)

Relative Detectability: Individuals are easy to spot but nest is difficult to locate.

Challenge: Confirm breeding by pairs observed at new locations.